Music therapy in senile dementia
and Alzheimer's patients
(Geriatrics and Gerontopsychiatry)
For the most common mental or psychiatric illnessesin old age - depression and senile dementia - music therapy offers fundamental help. But also atStroke and Parkinson'smusic therapy renders irreplaceable services.
For depressive patients whose emotional world is frozen, some qualities of the music provide basic support potentials. The most important aspect of this disease is the emotionalizing effect of music, which can fill the emotional emptiness and liquefy the torpor. Where the emotional level can no longer be verbalized, musical experience replaces words and promotes differentiating perception. Other aspects of music include its function as a carrier of memories. Music activates associations with – mostly positive – experiences from the past and can help to assess life balances better and to stabilize identity that has become fragile. Making music also promotes the willingness to experiment, to try out new experiences and to look for new solutions.
For people suffering from dementia, one function of music should be mentioned in the first place: evoking memories. During the course of their illness, people with dementia immerse themselves in the realities of their childhood and adolescence. In this phase of life, the formative musical experiences are made. So the music ties into heavyweight resources here. These ancient musical experiences prove “resistant” to forgetting. A patient suffering from senile dementia who has lost his bearings and can no longer pronounce his name can easily sing a four-stanza folk song. The experience of still being able to do this contributes to the preservation of one's identity, to the reduction of fear and thus to a large part of the quality of life, but also to admiration from the social environment. In addition, people with dementia still have emotional abilities for a very long time, even if their cognitive abilities are already largely limited. These emotional abilities can be specifically stimulated with the help of familiar music. This often leads to increased alertness and the ability to verbalize: experiences from old memory can be recounted. External mobility also increases, and moving to music stimulates important vital functions.
We have old records with the best hits and evergreens
from the 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s and 70s digitized and organized in meaningful and beautiful music lists,
and thus created a memory value that brings a lot of joy and fun to the therapeutic
Offering musical enjoyment and a great one at the same timeStimulate the health and healing processcan.
For the musical accompaniment both at home and in thetherapy in senior homes,
retirement homes and in clinicswe have these listsput together with lots of love.
For handling and handling the necessary playback devices and sound & loudspeaker systems
you get the technical tools in your hand as well as the support and professional advice from us.
You can also get textbooks to sing along to in our online shop
Percussions and rhythm instruments to play along and join in with the songs in the music lists.

Wählen Sie Ihren Musiktherapie Plan
Musiktherapie Silber
1.99€Every monthSilberValid for 6 months+ 14 day free trial- 5 Musiklisten
- unbegrenzte Dauer
- 24 Stunden / 7 Tage
- monatlich kündbar
- unser meistgebuchtes
Musiktherapie Gold
4.99€Every monthGoldValid for 6 months+ 14 day free trial- 10 Musiklisten
- unbegrenzte Dauer
- 24 Stunden / 7 Tage abspielbar
- online Betreuung
- Wunschtitel
Musiktherapie Platin
9.99€Every monthPlatin (z. B. für Altersheime & Kliniken)Valid for 12 months+ 14 day free trial- Alle Musiklisten
- unbegrenzte Dauer
- 24 Stunden / 7 Tage verfügbar
- online Betreuung
- telefonische Betreuung
- Wunschtitel / 3 Musiklisten